Infection ControlBecause of frail health and a declining immune system, many elderly residents are more susceptible to infections – for example, urinary tract infections or respiratory infections such as colds or pneumonia. Infection control practices as simple as handwashing can help prevent the spread of illnesses such as these. A disease or infection acquired by a resident may result in discomfort, pain or even death. If you are exposed to germs at the facility, you could also become ill, and in some cases, you could spread that illness to your family and friends.This program reviews two basic but very important infection control practices: handwashing and glove usage. Frontline caregivers will learn how these practices can reduce the spread of disease and infection. After completing this course, the learner should be able to:• Describe the three links in the chain of infection• List three ways in which disease can be spread• Describe how to perform routine handwashing• Give three examples of when to wash hands• Give three examples of when to use gloves
Infection control. . (2021, Jan 01).[Video/DVD] Cypress: Medcom, Inc., Medcom. Retrieved from