Intravenous Therapy: Basics and VenipunctureOver 90% of hospital patients receive intravenous therapy, including medication, nutrition, electrolytes, and blood. These life-giving fluids are administered through an I.V. and can mean the difference between life and death for a patient. Updated with a new look and feel, and the latest venipuncture practices, this program describes the basics of intravenous therapy and demonstrates the correct technique for performing a venipuncture to initiate intravenous therapy. OBJECTIVES: After completing this course, the learner should be able to: Describe the uses of IV therapy, Identify appropriate sites for venipuncture, Identify equipment used to provide IV therapy, Perform a venipuncture.
Intravenous therapy: Basics and venipuncture. . (2016, Jan 01).[Video/DVD] Cypress: Medcom, Inc., Medcom. Retrieved from