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Test Anxiety

General information about Test anxiety and tips for dealing with it.

Tips for Reducing Test Anxiety

Practice Positive Self Talk

The way we talk to ourselves can either help us relax and feel more confident or it can make us more stressed out and anxious so it's important to keep our self talk as positive as possible. It can be helpful to use "even though" statements to balance uncomfortable feelings with positive thoughts. Use the phrases below for inspiration.

  • Even though I feel so anxious about this test, I know I will do my best.
  • I have worked hard and learned a lot regardless of how I do on this test.
  • I am prepared.
  • How I do on this test doesn't mean anything about who I am as a person.


Use Routines

You can ramp up your regular study sessions by creating routines. Routines are specific things that you do every time you study that you can also do during the test. They create connections in your brain between the information and the routine so when you recreate the routine at the time of the test it can help you better remember information.  

Examples of routines can include:

  • chewing gum or sucking on a mint
  • wearing specific clothing/shoes
  • moving jewelry to different finger/arm before starting


Spread Out your Studying

Trying to cram information into a single study session may be tempting, but it makes it less likely that you'll be able to remember the information. Instead, set aside regular time to spend reviewing the information before the day of the test. 


Tips Before Taking The Test

The Day Before the Test

  • Get a good night's sleep- It can be tempting to stay up late to study more, but sleep is important to a fully functioning brain on the day of the test
  • Eat Healthy Foods- many people experience an upset stomach when they are anxious so eating healthy foods that typically digest easily for you can help reduce stomach problems and provide good brain fuel


The Day of the Test

  • Limit caffeine intake-too much caffeine can increase anxiety and jitters.
  • Exercise-some evidence suggests that 20 minutes of moderate exercise before taking a test can increase performance

Tapping for Test Anxiety

Tapping is a well-supported therapeutic practice that is shown to reduce uncomfortable feelings for most people in a matter of minutes. It's a great tool for test anxiety and you can easily follow along with the video below on your own.