Use the saphenous vein and radial arteries to bypass coronary artery lesions. Divert blood to the bypass machine, cool core temperature, and stop the heart until the bypass is complete. Place chest tubes and pacemaker wires and close the sternum.
Draping the patient is the final process in establishing a sterile field; only sterile team members may come in contact with draped surfaces. Several types of drapes are used in surgery, but all must meet specific criteria to serve as effective barriers.
Hernias do not happen only to heavy lifters; a simple sneeze can put as much pressure on the abdominal walls as bench pressing 350 pounds. This program uses operating room footage, commentary by medical experts, and case histories of hernia patients to illustrate the benefits and basic techniques of laparoscopic hernia surgery.
iew demonstrations of closed gloving, assisted closed gloving, assisted open gloving, and unassisted open gloving. In addition, see how to tie the gown with and without a protective cover.
Sterile gowns are donned after completing a hand scrub. The scrub tech or nurse gowns first. View a demonstration of putting on a gown, using sterile technique.
This video shows the types of drapes used in a surgical setting, delineates causes of sterile field contamination, and explains how to create a sterile field on an instrument table and Mayo stand.
Presenting three purposes of the surgical hand scrub, this video differentiates between the two approved products for the hand scrub, shows techniques, and explains proper nail care for surgical staff.
This video provides step-by-step instructions for proper application of 3M Avagard Surgical and Healthcare Personnel Hand Antiseptic with Moisturizers and is intended for clinicians.
The surgical team gathers all materials for the procedure. Place packs on clean tables; drape from sterile to unsterile areas. Learn the procedures for moving sterile items, addressing contaminated items, draping the Mayo stand, and draping the patient.