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Blackboard Ultra

Welcome Module

The Welcome Module is the most important module in your course and can be found in every Ultra course in Blackboard. 

This module includes: 

  • Welcome Message from Your Instructor
  • Course Syllabus
  • Information on Navigating Blackboard Ultra
  • Respondus LockDown Browser
  • Tutoring Information
  • 24/7 Librarian Live Chat

Your course syllabus through Simple Syllabus is one of the most important items in this module. Your syllabus will tell you everything you need to know about the class. For some courses, you must take a syllabus quiz before your course content will be open. 

Course Content Modules

Course modules are where you find the content for your course including readings, assignments, lectures, and more. An example of a course module is posted below. 


Checklist and Activities

Checklist and Activities: Be sure to check the Checklist and Activities document in each of your modules to find out information about the module, as well as any required activities and assignments. Some courses will have everything you need within the Checklist and Activities document, while others might have each of these listed separately within the module. 

An Example Checklist and Activities document is posted below showing the list of activities and assignments you might find in a course content module. This example also includes a Checklist and Activities document that includes the course content like a video, textbook reading, and lecture within the document.