Academic Search Complete is a multi-disciplinary database, with more than 6,100 full-text periodicals, including more than 5,100 peer-reviewed journals.
All About Birds is a website from the Cornell Lab of Ornithology that includes information about watching birds, learning their nesting behaviors, attracting birds, identifying them, recording observations, and getting involved in bird conservation. The site includes guides, images, maps, sounds, videos, and much more. There is also a link to the Macaulay Library, an archive of animal sounds and videos.
The Learn and Teach section of the American Museum of Natural History website is collection of activities, interactive exhibits, programs for children and parents, educator guides, and more developed by the American Museum of Natural History for learners of all ages who are interested in exploring science. Topics include anthropology, astronomy, biology, earth science, and paleontology.
Biological Science Database provides access to a wide range of biology topics. The database includes just under 400 titles, with more than 325 available in full text. With thousands of articles available online, ProQuest Biology Journals includes some of the most popular information resources for users in academic, government, and public research environments.
Subject coverage:
Amino acids
Animal behavior
Antibiotics and antimicrobials
Aquatic organisms
Behavioral ecology
Biotechnology (agricultural, environmental, medical, marine, and pharmaceutical)
Calcium and calcified tissues
Cell biology
Conservation and management
Genetics (animal, plant, human, microbial)
Human genome research
Immunology and vaccines
Marine biology
Molecular biology
Nucleic acids
Oncogenes and growth factor
Remote sensing
Safety science
The National Science Digital Library (NSDL) was created by the National Science Foundation to provide organized access to high quality resources and tools that support innovations in teaching and learning at all levels of science,technology, engineering, and mathematics education.
NSDL was established by the National Science Foundation (NSF) in 2000 as an online library which directs users to exemplary resources for science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) education and research. NSDL provides an organized point of access to STEM content that is aggregated from a variety of other digital libraries, NSF-funded projects, and NSDL-reviewed web sites. NSDL also provides access to services and tools that enhance the use of this content in a variety of contexts. NSDL is designed primarily for K-16 educators, but anyone can access and search the library at no cost. Access to most of the resources discovered through NSDL is free; however, some content providers may require a login, or a nominal fee or subscription to retrieve their specific resources.
Science & Technology Collection contains more than 830 full-text journals covering relevant aspects of the scientific and technical community. In addition to full text, this database offers indexing and abstracts for more than 1,740 journals. Topics include aeronautics, astrophysics, biology, chemistry, computer technology, geology, aviation, physics, archaeology, marine sciences, and materials science.
Biology Journals and Magazines
Advances in Biology & Earth SciencesThe aim of this journal is to provide a platform for scientists and academicians all over the world to promote, share, and discuss various new issues and developments in different areas of Biological and Earth Sciences and related fields.
American NaturalistManuscripts, brief discussion, criticism and comment devoted to the conceptual unification of the biological sciences published for members of the American Society of Naturalists.
Animal BiologyPublishes studies with an experimental or functional approach to topics in behavioral and physiological ecology, ecological and functional morphology, environmental physiology and biosystematics.
BiologistIncludes articles which discuss biological research, science policy, new developments & controversial issues.
Molecular and Cellular BiologyThis journal covers advancements in research around the molecular biology of all eukaryotic cells. It includes gene expression and genome organization, and studies of chronic diseases and conditions.
Public Library of Science: BiologyOriginal research articles, essays, & other features as well as synopses of the research article for general audiences.